Choose your Channel

We have a selection of reporting channels to choose from below:

i-Tell Channels:

Toll free number (for toll free calls):
0800 980 993

Email Address (for emails and attachments):

Mobile number (for mobile calls and Whatsapp chats):
060 012 4544

Or Speak to the i-Tell chatbot in the bottom right corner.

Report misconduct by filling out the form

    Please note that if this company is not one of our clients we will not be obliged to deal with this report.

    For example: Will serious and/or imminent damage be suffered if the organisation does not act immediately e.g. stock is being loaded to be illegally removed while you are making the report?

    For example:
    Can you provide the date and time?
    Has it been happening over a long period of time? If yes, do you know for how long?
    Is it still occuring?
    Will it continue to occur in the future? If yes, do you know for how long?

    For example:
    Do you know in which business department / section / unit the misconduct is occurring?
    Do you know the country / state / province in which that business department / section / unit is situated?
    Can you provide the address / contact details of the site where the misconduct is occurring?

    For example:
    Can you provide details of the perpetrators?
    Provide as much detail as you have available
    Name, surname, designation, employee number, company (for example if the person is external to the organisation and is trying to bribe employees of the organisation)?

    For example:
    What is happening?
    Can you detail the sequence of events?

    For example:
    Is there anyone else that may have information about the misconduct?
    Can you provide details of any witnesses that may have direct knowledge or that may know anything about the misconduct?
    Provide as much detail as you have available
    Name, surname, designation, company (if the person is external to the organisation), employee number?

    For example:
    Can you provide any additional information that may help the organisation to investigate the misconduct?
    When, where, who, what, how

    For example:
    When and how did you become aware of the misconduct?
    Is your knowledge of the misconduct first hand or did you hear about it from someone else?
    If you heard about it from someone else, how did this happen and who did you hear it from?

    For example:
    Is there any documents, recordings, photos, videos, emails or any other evidence you know about and which the organisation should look for or find?
    Do you know or suspect where the organisation may be able find evidence about the misconduct?

    Any documents, recordings, photos, videos, emails or any other evidence you have and may want to include in the report

    For example:
    Have you reported, or tried to report, this misconduct previously?
    When and how did you report it or tried to report it?
    Who did you report, or tried to report it to, and what did they do about it?

    For example:
    Do you believe you will be victimised because you are making this report?
    If yes, why do you believe that?
    Who do you believe will victimise you?
    How do you believe you will be victimised?

    14. Whistleblower Details

    If you want to be partially anonymous (providing your details to i-Tell, but not to the organisation) or want to make your details available to the organisation, please indicate your selection and include your details below

    15. Contact details optional